Public & Products Liability
A patron slipping or falling can easily become a Public Liability claim against your business. You are also legally liable for the food you sell from your Candy Bar.
Property Insurance
Wild weather, a fire in the kitchen or vandals damaging your Cinema...Property Insurance can cover your Building, Contents and Stock from various kinds of damage.
Business Interruption
Many businesses think about insuring their physical assets but don't insure their most valuable asset...their revenue. Ask us about our Blockbuster Uplift Cover that is exclusive to ICA Members and is a 'World First'.
If only criminals put as much work into good deeds as they do to breaking into businesses. What a World that would be!
Money stolen during business hours or overnight needs to be specifically covered under the Money section of the policy. Cash takings are becoming less common but it remains an exposure for your business.
A broken window, a cracked mirror in your bathrooms or damage by vandals to the glass frontage of your need Glass Cover. If you rent your premises it is likely a Lease requirement too.
Equipment Breakdown
Cover your Projector Equipment in relation to electronic breakdown with the option to cover all of your equipment like fridges, air conditioning etc
Management Liability
Directors and Managers of businesses answer to hundreds of pieces of State and Federal legislation. Protect yourself in relation to the day to day decisions you make.
Cyber Protection Insurance
The fastest growing type of claims for businesses in Australia are hacks, ransomware and malware. Protect your business from hackers using Cyber Protection Insurance.